Alison Moris, Jakub Ochnio and Teodora Ivkov
Opening: Friday, April 1st 2016 7PM
Galerija Eurocentar, Makedonska 30
From April 1st till 14th
Belgrade Photo Month was born in October 2014. The idea was to make a connexion between different exhibition spaces in Belgrade, New Belgrade & Zemun; to create an explosion of creativity through the light ─ exhibitions, workshops, lectures, movies, presentations and analogue photography equipment market; to show the world what is going on in Serbia and to show people in Serbia what photographers from abroad are doing; to try to put Photography, like Art, at the right place where it deserves to be.
While we were developing the idea, we realized that an event like this deserves something more that will give it an international vocation that it is supposed to have. We decided to create a Photo Concurs for photographers under the age of 25 ─ New Talents 2016. International Photo Competition. We shared the information online and sent it to Photography or Art Schools all around the world.
We have chosen a jury composed of 5 members: Slobodan Sarić, photographer, Ivana Tomanović from Serbia, Sali Sallini from Turkey, Laure Maugeais from France and Carlota Loveart+ from Spain.
We have received 161 proposals, out of which 119 were complete and in accordance with the Open Call rules. We got 44%of proposals from male candidates and 46% from the female ones. The proposals came from 25 different countries and 4 continents. 44% of proposals were from Serbia.
The youngest one to send in an application was a 12 year old Serbian girl Isidora Dincic. Thanks!!!
Probably just that justifies all the work that the organizers have done.
Finally, the jury selected the best 10 projects and in the end the best 3… and so, here we have the exhibition. In alphabetic order: Allison Morris, Jakub Ochnio and Teodora Ivkov.
Next year, we will have some more surprises.
Translation by Ana Stijelja