May 8, 7 pm
Bioskop Balkan
Braće Jugovića 16, Belgrade
Cornered is a photography performance, executed in Belgrade during the longest 84 hour curfew that lasted from 17/4/2020, 5 pm to 21/4/2020, 5 am. The artist has positioned himself in a painted corner, shooting a single self-portrait every hour on the hour, during the entire period of the 84 hour lockdown. The artist was leaving the studio after every shot and kept returning on an hourly basis.
Subject of this act are time, space and abolition of free will and personal choice. The corner represents the inability to freely move while the mind is being paralyzed, thus reducing one’s mental space. The artist is explicitly leaving everything else every hour to take the self-portrait, by this he is executing the order and by cramming himself into a corner as if being punished, thus becoming obedient.
Using time in extremely limited conditions, through monotonous repetition, Miloš is transforming social obedience and suffering into a tool to create a political element in order to raise more philosophical questions. Are force and humiliation justified for the purposes of control? Are isolation and solitary universal circumstances of human beings, among others? With this fundamental exsistencial investigation, Miloš goes through an experiment that becomes universal, consequently placing each individual in the same position.
The final result is 85 photographs and a video of length 1:37:08 and ratio 4:3.
Music: Tasos Stamou ©,
The exhibition will run until 3rd June, 2021
Please note that due to the Covid-19 situation nobody can enter the Gallery without wearing a mask as required by the Rep of Serbia regulations.
Visiting hours:
Tue – Fri / 14 – 19h
Sat – Sun / 12 – 15h