All posts by belgradephotomonth

Tomislav Peternek Retrospective

Opening: Thursday, March 31 at 7 PM
Paviljon Cvijeta Zuzorić

From March 31st to April 23rd

By the mid-fifties of the 20th century, social realism had slowly begun to disappear from the social and cultural scene. A new, young generation of photographers appeared, formed under the influence of the famous Henry Cartier-Bresson, his agency “Magnum”, and the “Family of Man” exhibition curated by Edward Steichen, which was exhibited in the “Cvijeta Zuzorić Art Pavillion” in 1957. They focused their small-format cameras on people, everyday things and situations. Simultaneously, but each in his own way, they reshaped the identity of photojournalism. Following their emergence, photography ceased to be a simple illustration of a text, or an image of the most important personages of the political and cultural scene, and elevated itself into gallery-worthy artwork.

Among them, the foremost place belongs to Tomislav Peternek, one of the first photographers to bring artistic value to photojournalism. He is also the first photographer to turn his camera on both the important political events, and the far more important everyday life with its ups and downs, annonymous heroes, virtues and flaws. All of his photographs and reportage series are candid and depict the most important events and personages that have defined the history of the former Yugoslavia: the student protests of 1968, the earthquake in Skopje, flooding in Zagreb, the fashion creations of the legendary Aleksandar Joksimović, wars and destruction, but also children, individuals, fans at a basketball game, exhibition visitors, circus performers.

Tomislav Peternek is stil active, creating images that celebrate life, while at the same time allowing new technologies and some different themes and genres, such as nudes, to become a part of his immense body of work. The majority of the photographs shown in this exhibition constitute both historical and subjective documents. His direct approach, his specific feeling for the rhetoric of life, for fleeting moments and situations, with a dose of humor and symbolism, has given these images a timeless, iconic status in the history of photography, art and culture of this country.

Jelena Matić
Curator Jelena Matic
Translation by Tamara Markovic

“Revertimini (Volveos)” exhibition opening

Although Belgrade Photo Month has not officially started, the first exhibition that is part of our festival is opened tonight at the Institute “Cervantes” in Belgrade: “Revertimini (Volveos)” by Jordi Plana Pey inspired by the work of Ramón Lull.

The exhibition will be open to visitors until the end of April.

For more information, follow this link

Protect photography

Organization of Belgrade Photo Month aims to raise awareness and knowledge of the citizens of Serbia on the photography and put Serbia on photography map of the world, but that our goal would be endangered and elusive if a proposal amending the interpretation of the Act on copyright and related rights is adopted, at tomorrow’s session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. All our efforts and work could be belittled and canceled, and the work of all other photographic associations, clubs, groups and individuals.

Please, in the name of all photographers and people of good will, do not adopt this proposal and thus cancel nearly 200 years of photographic history in Serbia.

Volunteers needed

Belgrade Photo Month is looking for volunteers.

  • Translators. English-Serbian-English.
  • Photographers to shoot Festival events.

Interested please contact to with CV, and in the case of photographers with some samples of this type of photography in low resolution or a url where we can see your work.

Letter of support from the president of European Month of Photography (EMoP) to Belgrade Photo Month

President of the European Month of Photography (EMoP) Thomas Licek has sent us a letter of support in which he points to increasing interest for this kind of projects and invites public and institutions to support Belgrade Photo Month, so it might become the part of the European Month of Photography growing network in the near future.
