BPM 2020/1: Gentle Vandalism – Miloš Tomić

May 8, 7 pm
Bioskop Balkan
Braće Jugovića 16, Belgrade

I’m not a good photographer, but I notice scenes and moments all around me and I react without thinking – I photograph them.
More than photographing, I love chopping pictures, mostly photos from old magazines, turned now into paper collages.
Even more than photographing, I have been obsessively collecting old photographs for years.
Captured unusual situations, attractive, bizarre, photogenic faces, or a randomly recorded detail that should not have been in the picture.
Enchanted, I watched and piled those selected images for years and only recently, I started animating them.
I encouraged myself to destroy those images in order to make something new out of them.
Gentle Vandalism, so to speak.

The exhibition will run until 3rd June, 2021

Please note that due to the Covid-19 situation nobody can enter the Gallery without wearing a mask as required by the Rep of Serbia regulations.

Visiting hours:
Tue – Fri / 14 – 19h
Sat – Sun / 12 – 15h
