Category Archives: Workshop

Polaroid workshop – Light painting

March 31 11AM – 1PM
Bartcelona Gallery
Čumićeva, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

Polaroid films are light sensitive materials, you create an image on them by exposing it to the light that is coming through the lens of your camera, but do you know that you can draw and paint on them using point light source in the complete dark. We will show you this interesting technique in the darkroom, come to our Polaroid workshop.

Polaroid workshop – Double exposures

March 30 11AM – 1PM
Bartcelona Gallery
Čumićeva, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

Double (or multiple) exposures is one of the many creative techniques you can use to express yourself more effectively through photography. As in your mind, images are stacked one above other, overlapping old memories with the fresh impressions. We can make double exposure photos in modern digital cameras, we can combine them in photoshop or in any other photo editing computer or mobile phone application, but do you know that you can make them using the new or even old Polaroid cameras? Come to our Polaroid workshop and Raul Diaz will show you how to do this.

Photography/Portfolio – Workshop & Lecture

Today 25th April 2018 at 16h, Photography/Portfolio lecture and workshop, Metropolitan University, Tadeuša Košćuška 63

At this lecture/workshop Professors Madlena Dašić and Nikola Majdak will be conquering the purposes, uses and presentations of artistic portfolios in the domain of photography and design. What the realistic demands are of the public are, trends in design portfolios for 2018, ways of producing and the vary of formats in these specific presentations are. Useful tips and secrets on producing a competent and commercial photography portfolio.

Language: Serbian

From concept to the production of a photographic work – TransEurope workshop

On Tuesday, 10th april 2018 at 10h, in Dom omladine Belgrade, a One-Day Preparatory Training Workshop, for photographers and artists who use the medium of the photography, under the title “From concept to the production of a photographic work“

Workshop will be held by the renowned international expert Christine Ollier and a member of the TransEurope team

Art historian and independent curator, expert of contemporary photography Christine Ollier will lead a session focusing on the development of a photographic project, from its inception until its final production. Each participant will have the opportunity to receive a constructive feedback and an integrated view on his/her work.

The aim of this workshop, conceived by Christine Ollier, is to contribute in improving participants’ work and to explain to them the process of realising a corpus of work. The expert will take into consideration the participants’ artistic objectives, while elaborating on the various steps up to the ultimate selection for publication and exhibition. Moreover, with an extensive experience in cultural strategy, Christine Ollier will analyse to the participants the different ways and options to present and promote their work to galleries, institutions, festivals, etc.

CLASH, the Images SAID – Workshop on Photobooks

Today is the first day of the “CLASH, the Images SAID” workshop on Photobooks, 30th March 2018 at 16h, in EU info centre, Kralja Milana 7

TUTOR: Valentina Abenavoli

Valentina Abenavoli is an Italian editor and designer, currently based in Istanbul.
After a degree in photography, a master in book publishing and several odd jobs, in 2012 she founded Akina, together with Alex Bocchetto. Their independent publishing house collaborates with emerging and established photographers, editing and producing challenging photobooks in limited editions, often handmade. In 2016 she published her first photobook as author titled “Anaesthesia”, followed by “The Harvest”, the second chapter of an unfinished trilogy around the subjects of empathy and evil. She participated in several group and solo exhibitions. On a side, she works freelance as editor and book designer.


CLASH, THE IMAGES SAID is a 3 days long discussion on visual narrative in photobooks. The practise of reading a photobook, which is usually an intimate and meditative moment, assumes a different perspective, if it happens within a group of people. In this workshop we will analyse all together the reasons why photobooks are chosen as preferred medium by more and more photographers nowadays, as well as we will discover ambiguities and clashes that happen when several images are put in a sequence.

From the everlasting classics to more experimental ones, photobooks have the perk of opening a very wide space for imagination and narrative.
The workshop will dissect some case studies, in order to understand the structure of a visual work. Trials and exercises on editing and sequencing, performed collectively, will be the main focus of the workshop, which will give some inputs for the attendees to re-imagine their own projects in a book form.

Inscription mandatory •
#EuropeForCulture • #EvropaZaKulturu
Event financially supported by the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia and EU info centre.

Transeurope Photo

We are very proud to announce our cooperation with Transeurope Photo, and during Belgrade Photo Month, on 10th of April, in Dom Omladine, art historian and independent curator, expert of contemporary photography Christine Ollier will lead a session on the development of a photographic project, from its inception until final production. Inscriptions already open, limited places!

“Matchbox Pinhole” workshop in Fotosinteza

Saturday April 23rd, 3:00 – 6:00 PM

Maršala Birjuzova 1, 5th floor, apt no. 16

This is a workshop on how to make handmade cameras from matchboxes ─ small appliances with great performances. We will show many ways to use it. The participants can bring used cameras for dismantling and rewinding of the film at any time to Fotosinteza. Every participant will receive a film (about 48 exposures) and other material needed for making the camera. Developing and scanning can be done individually, or it can be done as an additional service by Fotosinteza costs would be RSD 500 per film.
Entry fee is RSD 1000 per participant.

You may pay the enty fee by Friday, April 22 2016. The workshop will be held on Saturday, April 23 2016 at 3pm.
The number of participants at the workshop is limited.
Tutor: Andrej Filev, photographer.
Phone number (for reservation): 069 30 50 758

WHAT’S THIS BOOK? A show of photobooks and multiples

Opening: April 15th, 7:00PM
Kulturforum, Mihizova 11, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

April 15 – 29

A show of photobooks and multiples
curated by Natasha Christia

Toni Amengual (self-published, Spain)
Israel ARIÑO (Ediciones Anómalas, Spain)
Alessandro CALABRESE (Skinnerboox, Italy)
Federico CLAVARINO (Dalpine, Spain)
Simone DONATI (TerraProject, Italy)
Thobias FÄLDT – Klara KÄLLSTRÖM (B-B-B-Books, Sweden)
Satoshi FUJIWARA (AMANA, Japan)
Ryuichi ISHIKAWA (AKAAKA, Japan)
Luce LEBART (Poursuite, France)
Eriko KOGA (AKAAKA, Japan)
Salva LÓPEZ (Terranova, Spain)
Henrik MALMTRÖM (Kominek Books, Germany)
Daniel MAYRIT (Riot Books, Spain)
Marco Paltrinieri (Discipula, Italy/UK)
Vicente PAREDES (This Book is True, Spain)
Eufália C. PAZ (Stephanian, Italy)
Mariela SANCARI (La Fábrica, Spain)
Thomas SAUVIN (Jiazazhi, China)
Ikuro SUZUKI (AKAAKA, Japan)
Miguel Ángel TORNERO (Editorial RM, Spain)
Lorenzo TRICOLI (Self-published, Italy)
Dragana YURISIC (Oonagh Young Gallery, Ireland)

The practice of publishing has gained significant prominence in the photography world over the last decade. The medium of the book has suggested novel ways of visual storytelling. Highly democratic at heart, photobooks have conferred visibility to emerging photographers, collectives and projects that would otherwise gain little access to the photography world. As physical portable objects, they have provided the alternative to ephemeral exhibitions, claiming themselves as auteur’s pieces.

WHAT’S THIS BOOK? is a selection of some of the most relevant photobooks published between 2014 and 2016. Eclectic at heart, the exhibition displays a series of twenty-four photobooks. It is accompanied with a showcase of prints and audiovisual material. Though the show should not be considered a definitive and axiomatic catalogue but rather a personal and subjective selection of favourites, its intention is to highlight a wide array of approaches, philosophies and practices in the area of international photobook production, placing at the focus of its research small independent publishers next to photographers who self-publish and distribute their printed works.

The show forms part of the first edition of Belgrade Photo Month and it will be accompanied by a guided tour and an encounter addressed to photobooks and their enthusiasts. It is launched as the first of a series of book exhibitions dedicated to photography that will be dedicated to different topics, with the aim to engage the public with the practice of publishing, while familiarizing it with the present state of the photobook that is quite indicative of tendencies in contemporary photography. At the same time, with its parallel activities, WHAT’S THIS BOOK creates an educational forum for local artists, editors, and publishers, wherein they will be able to exchange ideas and improve their strategies and projects.

Natasha Christia is an independent writer, curator and educator based in Barcelona. She was recently the guest editor at the Read or Die publishing fair in Barcelona during November 2015. She has also been appointed as art director of the upcoming edition of DocField Documentary Photography Festival, entitled Europe: Lost in Translation, which will be taking place during May and July 2016.

Join us in the Guided tour + Photobook Lovers’ Encounter
Saturday, April 16, 2016, 16:30-19:30

Belgrade Photo Month in Fotosinteza

From April 1st till 30th

As a part of the Belgrade Photo Month, Fotosinteza will offer the following program:

1. Photo Nostalgia

─ Collecting photos found in family collections or elsewhere, on various media (slides, negatives, prints, glass plates and other media) from private archives.
─ We will be collecting the material every Friday from 4 pm to 6 pm during the festival at Fotosinteza.
─ Digitization of the part of the collected material without any further processing.
─ The projection of digitized photographs and discussion about the importance of preserving photo collections, both in terms of conservation and digitization as well as in collecting information about the media, will be held on Saturday, April 30 at 5 pm at Fotosinteza within the photo nostalgia soirée.

2. Matchbox pinhole

This is a workshop on how to make handmade cameras from matchboxes ─ small appliances with great performances. We will show many ways to use it. The participants can bring used cameras for dismantling and rewinding of the film at any time to Fotosinteza. Every participant will receive a film (about 48 exposures) and other material needed for making the camera. Developing and scanning can be done individually, or it can be done as an additional service by Fotosinteza ─ costs would be RSD 500 per film.
Entry fee is RSD 1000 per participant.

You may pay the enty fee by Friday, April 22 2016. The workshop will be held on Saturday, April 23 2016 at 3pm.
The number of participants at the workshop is limited.
Tutor: Andrej Filev, photographer.
Phone number (for reservation): 069 30 50 758

*Fotosinteza is a social club for people of all ages who enjoy and respect art and like to socialize.
Address: 1 Maršala Birjuzova Street, 5th floor.