Vedute mundi – HEGsch’s landscapes of the world

Tonight, 12th april 2018 at 20h, opening of exhibition “Vedute mundi” from German photographer Hans Georg Esch, Atelje blanc / blank, Dunavska 86, II ulaz, IV sprat

The title of the exhibition was inspired by a series of etchings vedute di Roma (views of Rome) by Giovanni Battista Piranzeni. Contemporary German photographer Hans Georg Esch – HEGsch has been fascinated by landscapes for years. Photographs included in this exhibition combine the landscape and veduta, thus reflecting the character of the city. The photographs from „Cityscape” (city landscape) series are more than 4 metres in size, demanding from their viewers to distance themselves for at least few metres, literally speaking. Yet, if they want to discern all details, they need to get much closer, so close that they are no longer able to distinguish between left and right side of a viewed piece. Esch’s photographs are characterised by careful and wholesome composition, i.e. extraordinary combination of wide-angle and central perspective. That is exactly what makes them vedute (views), the function of which at the time was identical to the function of Instagram and other social networks that are primarily based on photography; they show us the places we have not visited or have not as yet encountered from the same perspective as the author. Esch is, therefore, showing us the images of the world – hence the title Vedute mundi. He confidently uses everything he has learned as an architectural photographer, putting his skills into the service of our knowledge of the world.

Rolf Sachsse

By Goethe-Institut Belgrad with the support of ingenhoven architects , Leica Camera & Carpet Concept
